martes, 20 de abril de 2010



I believe in the use of ICT in education but I don’t think that they can be the only
resource for the teacher.
New technologies are forcing us to be continually changing, because there is always
something new to learn.
From my point of view, ICT are a new challenge for everyone and we have to get used
to them.
Since new technologies first appeared, schools have had to incorporate them in to their teaching process.

First of all I would like to explain the main characteristics of ICT ( Information and Communication Technology) and its use in education.
ICT allow teachers to create different materials to use with their students, and the same time the learning process can be more fun by using them in class because children can playand learn at the same time.
The purpose of ICT in education is generally to familiarise students with the use and workings of computers, and related social and ethical issues.

Moreover, it is something new for children and they have to be prepared for this change and they have to be able to face any problem they have in their lives.
Since they will have to live and work with ICT,the earlier they start getting used to them, the faster they will learn how to use them.

In a conclusion I want to say that it is very important to introduce ICT in education, but we shoud not forget other traditional ways.

Schools are constantly suffering changes, but we can’t forget its main role: for example enjoying fairy tales, singing songs, doing artistic works, playing... all these things can not be replaced by new technologies.